31 December 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is the last day of 2011. I can't believe how quickly this year went- it's unbelievable.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year's Eve.

-xoxo Evie

10 December 2011

Winter Break.

The Fall 2011 school semester is finally over. I still can't believe how quick the months flew by but I'm looking forward to the break before I head back for five classes next semester.

The past few weeks have been hell because of the workload and my own procrastination but I wouldn't have changed anything about this past semester. I worked hard, I made friends with both classmates and teachers and I learned a lot. Which is better than I can say for the last college I attended whereas I was there for over a year and didn't learn near as much as I did this semester.

For the next few weeks, hopefully, I'll be updating on a semi-regular basis. Hopefully. Have a good one everyone.

-xoxo Evie

04 December 2011

Almost a month?!

It has been almost a month since I've updated this little blog of mine. I'm dreadfully sorry.

Quick update on what's been going down this past month:

- Wrote the script for my theatre final. Also early and late practices every Monday and Wednesday. Performance is this Monday.
- Currently working on two papers. One about director Edgar Wright and two of his films, Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. The second about the portrayal of war in film, using Saving Private Ryan and The Hurt Locker as the two specific movies of discussion.
- Soon as I'm done with those, which will hopefully be tonight, then I have to get cracking on the two Nuremberg Trials books I have to read and make sure I have the paper done by this Thursday.
- Definitely on the upside I got to drive up and see my family in Kentucky for Thanksgiving. I will definitely post up about that soon.

Buuuuuut the best thing in the world is approaching fast. This Friday is the last day of the semester! No matter how much I loved this semester the course load was absolutely insane. Next semester I'm taking 5 classes but they're not all writing classes thank goodness.

I'm off to finish my papers now. I'll update more consistently after Friday.

-xoxo Evie

07 November 2011

Hectic but awesome.

       So life has been pretty hectic lately- It's safe to say that's an understatement.

       I'm working on the script and overall outline of our final project for Intro to Theatre. I need to read a book I borrowed from my teacher which is over 1,000 pages and the 6-10 page paper that I have to write from the book is due the 14th. I have another paper due, 5-6 pages about a director for World Cinema which is due right before Thanksgiving and a 6-7 page paper due for my Conflict and Non Violent Resolution in Film class. Whew! Not to mention I have to sign up for classes at midnight to make sure I get the classes I want and I have to start filling out college applications for University in the Fall of 2012 instead of Spring 2013.

       Also I'm horrible at trying to balance a proper social life and at hunting down a steady job.

       No matter how trying it gets I just remind myself to breathe. Sometimes it works, haha. On another note, I have also been trying to move my current "story" along a bit. Had to backtrack a bit and rewrite but so far so good! That's all for now, I'll update again later.

Have a good one!

-xoxo Evie

05 November 2011

The Day After.

       It's after midnight, so it's now the 5th of Nov. (a.k.a. The Day After) Sorry, not sure why I felt the need to state the obvious. Haha!

       If I was a religious or maybe even spiritual person I would very well say I am so blessed for my family and my very few close friends.

       My 25th by far was one of the best birthdays I have ever had besides the initial one that brought me into this world. I had all the people I wanted surrounding me today. Lots of laughs, some pep talks, and all of the rest of the good stuff.

       In this moment, I am truly happy. Thank you to all my friends and family, I love you all.

-xoxo Evie

04 November 2011

Guess what day it is!

       That's right, it is officially November 4, 2011! I am 25 years old today, well my Mom says it's not my birthday until 7:55am but no one likes a debbie downer, so I say it is my birthday once the clock chimes midnight!

Hooray for a good day!

       On another note: I've been doing a lot of work these past few days. Between setting up chapters and outlining each chapter as I go I feel like I'll be consumed by just the outlining for at least a month, and that's if I can work on it every day. Whew!

xoxo- Evie

31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

   I love Halloween, it is by far one of my favorite holidays. I'm just stopping in real quick to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween.

P.S.- As I promised, hopefully tomorrow, I'll put up more about my best birthday present ever and hanging out with the family at Dade City Motocross Saturday night.

P.P.S.- Anyone know where I can find online all those "About You"/"About Me" surveys they used to do like crazy on myspace and stuff? I'd like them for a project I'm working on.

Thanks a bunch!

xoxo- Evie

29 October 2011

People understimate the awesomeness of Hanson.

Last night was the best birthday present ever! After 14 years of whining I finally got to see Hanson live in concert. It was non stop the whoe show, the music, the crowd, and everything. Just perfect.

I'll write more later though, I've got to help my Mom out this morning.

-xoxo Evie

27 October 2011

Today went awesome!

I can't believe how smoothly the day went. I am a very happy camper.

-xoxo Evie